Frequently Asked Question

Akshara Yoga School is set up with the aim of imparting value Yoga education to all seeking Yoga way of life. It is founded by Saurabh Chaudhary trained and educated in Yoga in some of the eminent Yoga institutes of India. The school offers Teacher Training Course in Hatha yoga with the focal point on Yoga as a means of achieving harmony and integration of personality through a systematic process of building a deeper and subtle awareness of our self.

Akshara Yoga School is uniquely situated at a sprawling 70 acre Agriculture Farm. Surrounded by lush green farm the School provides ideal conditions of yogic learning with calm atmosphere and clean air, water and food. We provide comfortable accommodation with all necessities, stress free learning environment and leisure activities to make your stay a memorable experience.

  • Accommodation with attached bathroom
  • Daily farm-fresh three organic meals with afternoon snacks
  • Teaching Material
  • Library facility
  • Internet facility
  • Field trips

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program focuses on building internal awareness by means of kriyas, asanas, pranayama and other yogic practices. It requires discipline and daily attendance.

Your day will start at 6 am and end at 9.45 pm. In the morning there will be traditional Hatha Yoga practice sessions. Rest of the day will be devoted to theory, asana adjustments and advance yoga techniques. Your Hatha Yoga schedule will be interspersed with the exposure to other major paths of Yoga to compliment your Hatha Yoga practice and to help you get the complete perspective of yogic lore.

The school will provide three healthy meals with snacks in afternoon. You will get sufficient time for self study, rest and recreation.

We recommend few things before you enter for the program. The applicant must be 18 years of age. Good physical, mental and emotional health will ensure your smooth passage through the course. Basic knowledge of English is mandatory as course will be run in English medium.

  • Teaching
  • Practice Demonstration
  • Written Exam
  • Attendance
  • Conduct

Hatha Yoga begins with the discipline of body to purify energy patterns, paving way
for higher discipline of mind. Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program’s objective is to
initiate body processes of purification, relaxation, steadiness and lightness to
draw our attention to the inner state of balance and harmony and to transform life
into health and happiness. One can reap the following benefits from the program:

  • Learn physical techniques to supplement towards the broader aspects of Yoga.
  • Learn core Hatha Yoga practices like kriyā (cleansing technique) āsana,
    prāṇayāma, mudrā, bandha etc. and make foundation for higher Yoga.
  • Learn Yoga in the midst of nature and immerse yourself in the serene expanse of
    sustainable agriculture farm.
  • Gain maximum out of the program by way of our teaching methods to bring to you
    the health-care aspect of Yoga.
  • Acquaint yourself with the four major paths of Yoga for harmonious development
    of personality and fulfill the purpose of Hatha Yoga as stepping stone to higher
  • Make your learning a unique experience by living around a working Indian
    agriculture farm.
  • Participate in the celebrations of festivals and occasions and know the
    spiritual significance or morals behind.

The key difference between 200 hour and 300 hour yoga teacher training course is the introduction and exploration of the unorthodox school of Indian philosophy. The Boudha Darshana of unorthodox school is a clear master, when it comes to the pursuit of harmless and deathless happiness. Hence, you as a sincere explorer of yoga and spirituality must know this school.

The 200-hour Hatha yoga teacher training course is the standard program that focuses on equipping students with the fundamental components of yoga, such as asana, pranayama, relaxation techniques, and cleansing techniques, as well as the underlying philosophy of these practices. Additionally, we provide instruction in yoga teaching proficiency, enabling students to effectively share yoga with others, should they choose to do so. This aligns with the current societal emphasis on yoga as a pathway to a healthy lifestyle, promoting general well-being, and facilitating the professional dissemination of this health and wellness.

However, it is essential to recognize that while health and wellness are vital pillars of a fulfilling life, they alone cannot guarantee lasting happiness. Undoubtedly, good health is a significant contributor to happiness, but unchecked, even excessive focus on one’s health can lead to disillusionment and sorrow. Therefore, the 300-hour yoga teacher training course represents a more profound exploration of genuine well-being and an enduring happiness that transcends the impermanent. This course requires a higher degree of commitment, dedication, a focused mind, and an independent inquiry into the nature of happiness.

It’s important to clarify that this course is not exclusively intended for a select few; anyone can enroll. All that is required is a sincere and vigilant commitment to the practice.

In the 300-hour Yoga TTC, we identify the genuine challenges facing mankind, seek to discover effective solutions to these issues, and ultimately subject these solutions to rigorous testing to ascertain their efficacy. When a solution proves effective, it is not accepted solely on the basis of reasoning but rather because it has been experientially verified within. This personal experience of truth within oneself establishes what we refer to as ‘Dharma.’ This Dharma becomes a life skill that one carries, contributing to a truly happy and fulfilling life.

Throughout the 300-hour TTC, we maintain the core curriculum standards prescribed by Yoga Alliance, encompassing techniques, training, practice, anatomy and physiology, as well as teaching methodology.

The bottom-line of yoga is to turn inward to find some fundamental truths about life. But this whole process of turning inward to find some real and concrete truth within us is usually confined to discourses/lectures or books. Furthermore, discourse and lectures only serve as feed for intellect without any potential for individual’s transformation or truth-realization. Thus, the distinguished feature of 300 hour TTC is to engage in real work i.e the keen observation of our mental and physical structure with equanimity to arrive at measurable truth. Some of the chief benefits of the course are:

  • In-depth training in asana and pranayama for removal of Kleshas (afflictions).
  • Skill to cultivate right intention and action for a happy life.
  • Attenuation of mental effluents that operate in the form of craving and aversion.
  • Self-purification by self-observation.
  • Awareness and understanding of bodily sensations and their connection with suffering and its cessation.
  • Training in Vipassana meditation technique.
  • Introduction to unorthodox school of Indian philosophy.
  • Complete understanding of body and mind interaction and how they influence each other.

The 200-hour ‘Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course,’ as we refer to it, is grounded in the Yoga system of philosophy formulated by Patanjali, which falls under the orthodox (or Astika) school of Indian philosophy.

The term ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root word ‘yuj,’ which conveys two meanings of yoga: Yuj Samādhau, signifying yoga as concentration, and Yujir Yoge, signifying yoga as union. Yoga, therefore, leads us towards either concentration or union. Orthodox Indian philosophical systems like Vedānta and Yoga provide systematic pathways toward realizing these two meanings. Haṭha yoga aims to assist us in discovering that point of concentration or union within ourselves. To achieve this, we require Abhyasa or practice (including Asana, Pranayama, Shatkarma, and Dharana), which demands sustained effort. Hence, we can say that in Hatha yoga, you attain the pinnacle of effort or practice (abhyasa). However, this doesn’t imply that its counterpart, Vairagya or letting go, is absent in the 200-hour TTC. You will thoroughly grasp and internalize the values of both practice and letting go, though there is less emphasis on Vairagya within Hatha yoga.

As a result, the spiritual journey commences with Abhyasa but culminates in Vairagya. The complete blossoming of Vairagya occurs predominantly at the level of Dhyana or meditation, which is the focus of the 300-hour yoga TTC, based on the Boudha system of philosophy introduced by Buddha. This system, known as Boudha Darshana, belongs to the unorthodox (or Nastika) school of Indian philosophy. In this context, you attain the zenith of letting go or non-attachment (vairagya).

While there are multiple meditation methods in the orthodox school, a noteworthy distinction arises when comparing the two Indian philosophical schools concerning meditation. In the orthodox school, meditation is acknowledged but not fully developed as a practice. Consequently, individuals seeking a comprehensive and advanced meditation technique often turn to the unorthodox school of Indian philosophy. Here, they encounter Vipassana meditation, a profound and meticulously refined method that delves deep into meditative practice and offers a pathway to profound knowledge, wisdom, and heightened intelligence. In the 300-hour course, while the primary focus is on Vairagya (non-attachment and letting go) through meditation, this does not negate the importance of Abhyasa. Abhyasa also receives due attention, and it’s crucial to appreciate that the more adept one becomes in Abhyasa, the better one can understand and implement Vairagya.

Therefore, the significant distinction in the depth of study and practice in the 300-hour course lies in the unorthodox school, particularly in Vipassana, making it an attractive option for those seeking a potent and transformative meditation experience that transcends the limitations of orthodox approaches.

Call : +91 931-201-9109