Understanding Meditation

Understanding Meditation

There is no technique for meditation, no principle involved. Purpose of any spiritual process is to free oneself from the chains of mind, its thoughts & modifications. Involvement in technique or principles erodes one’s freedom and also the possibility of liberation. Meditation is letting-go, dropping of all activity and just maintaining a presence. The basis of meditation is equanimity. Whatever comes and whatever goes remaining watchful, equanimous and witness to everything is meditation. Drop all activity of body and mind and whatever remains is meditation.

What is Meditation

Meditation is commonly understood as deep concentration. Concentration is something we are familiar with. We concentrate on our studies during exams to succeed. A scientist, artist, worker, teacher, parents all concentrate on their work to achieve their goals. In a sense everyone meditates, because concentration is indispensable for success and growth.

However, meditation is more than concentration. In the light of Yoga, meditation is a mental process by which the meditator becomes one with the object of meditation. Concentration (Dharana) is the preliminary stage of this process. In concentration there is involvement of effort. When concentration becomes effortless and continuous, it takes the form of meditation (Dhyana). Therefore, meditation is opposite of concentration. In other words, effortless Dharana (concentration) is Dhyana (meditation).

Concentration is dualistic in nature. In concentration we focus our mind on an object, which we perceive as separate from us. In meditation that seeming dualism is resolved. Therefore, we can say that meditation begins with effort, but it always ends in absorption into the object. In meditation the two separate identities of ‘Object’ and ‘I’ (as meditator) are dissolved to a great extent and the practitioner move close to the goal of Yoga as union.

Features of Meditation

One can experience some definitive changes at the level of body and mind as one moves close to the state of meditation. Some of the features of meditation are:

  • Single thought
  • Effortlessness
  • Fall in basal metabolic rate
  • Slowing of the breath
  • Wakefulness
  • Lightness

Benefits of Meditation

Meditation leads your body and mind to settle into a state of profound rest and relaxation. Some of the benefits of meditation are:

  • Greater inner calmness and joy throughout the day
  • Reduced cortisol (the “stress hormone”)
  • Normalized blood pressure
  • Complete relaxation leading to sound sleep
  • lower risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Reduced anxiety and depression
  • Enhanced brain function leading to improved memory and creativity
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