Why is it important to put your limits and how yoga is related to that?

Why is it important to put your limits and how yoga is related to that?

To put your limits is the best option to make someone understand that you can both live happily by mutual respect. Every time you suppress your limits a certain impression is recorded in your subconscious mind. There is a huge misconception around yoga that yoga practitioners should endure everything. NOT AT ALL! Through the practice of yoga we learn to cultivate our limits. Endurance of everything is an aspect that has been promoted by those who want to nurture submissive personalities, having as purpose to manipulate their mind, hence, to control the masses! 

Concept of Limits

According to the dictionary limit means: “a point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass”

The famous poet Alfred George Gardiner in his work “Pebbles on the Seashore” had very nicely explained the meaning of limits in one sentence: “A person’s freedom ends where another person’s freedom begins.”

Countries, cities, villages create lines to define their territories and to make their population to understand that we do not live in a jungle, where creatures eat each other, but in a civilized society, guided by defining limits.

Our family is a miniature of the society, where we as children are taught about our limits and we are prepared to face the society later on. If this is not been taught within the family, then it is definitely going to impact our adult life negatively, until unless we define our limits, by the society’s subsequent demands.

Some people believe that by putting your limits is a sign of domination. On the contrary, to put your limits is the best option to make someone understand that you can both live happily by mutual respect.

Remember that every time you suppress your limits because you have to face someone who has no limits, a certain impression is recorded in your subconscious mind. If this impression is not properly analyzed two things can happen: either you will have a surprising outburst in an irrelevant time or you will experience psychosomatic diseases later on, from the unwilling endurance you have shown.

Yoga Practice Cultivates Limits in the Subconscious Mind

There is a huge misconception around yoga that yoga practitioners should endure everything. NOT AT ALL! In yoga asana we limit our practice on a mat with certain dimensions and we work on that limit, hence it is recorded in the subconscious that there are limits. We also learn to work within our body limits and to respect it, because if not so, a somatic injure will definitely occur. The yoga asana, that is physical practice, is what we call gross level and its impact is recorded to the subtle level that is our subconscious mind. Hence, by yoga asana practice we learn to build limits in a flexible way.

Likewise from the Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali we understand that the path of the spirituality is not full of rose petals, rather it is rough especially for those who live in the mundane. It requires discipline, which means to limit your actions and your behavior patterns in a different way from what you have used earlier, so that you achieve the goal of self-realization. For instance, if a person is addicted to drugs or to alcohol or is indulge into sexual intercourses, this person has to limit his behavior patterns to be able to walk on the path of spirituality. But how can such a kind of personality limit his behavior patterns with the help of yoga sutras? The answer is that it might can, but it requires more effort. Taking into consideration that yoga starts from gross level of our personality and penetrates into the subtle level, the person can start by practicing initially Hatha Yoga. Hatha yoga starts working with our gross level, penetrates into the subtle level of our personality and leads to Raja Yoga that is the yoga sutra of Patanjali. Transition should be smooth without trying to suppress one’s feelings because it may lead to insanity. We should understand that these techniques and philosophies are rooted in a period where the lifestyle was different. In the current times, where our minds are possessed by an intense passion of materialism, you should not be disappointed if all of them may not be applicable. Perhaps progress will not be easy and it might take time, but it is a journey worth try.

Patience vs Endurance

To sum up, through yoga practice we learn to create our limits, to build strong personality, to respect all beings of this planet and we cultivate patience. Some people are confused between patience and endurance. Enduring everything, no matter what, is the huge TRAP! It is acceptance of everything with judgement.

Endurance of everything is an aspect been promoted by those who want to nurture submissive personalities, having as purpose to manipulate their mind, hence to control the masses! 

BE AWARE by whom you are receiving your practice! and by whom are you guided into the path of spirituality. 


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